What are the Meanings and Rituals behind the Phases of the Moon?

To many, the eight phases of the moon are a metaphor for the ebb and flow of life. Its ability to change phases and transition back and forth between a dark new moon and a bright full moon, reflects life itself, encompassing birth, growth, death and rebirth.

Each phase offers a unique energy that can be harnessed through rituals, with the lunar cycle helping to align personal goals.


A new moon happens when the illuminated side of the satellite is facing away from Earth. It appears totally dark, and invisible to us. With the night sky only illuminated by its stars, it is a time of cleansing, for planting the seeds of our dreams without limitation or restriction, and for allowing the manifestation of our deepest desires.


This phase of the moon, which sees it emerge as a silver sliver and grow into an inverted ‘C’, is one of growth and expansion, and taking action towards your goals. It is a time for re-building, growth and development, focus and self-improvement.


This phase of the moon is also known as a half-moon, and sees its right-hand illuminated by the sun. It is during this phase that obstacles to goals and desires can appear, and is a time for decisive decision-making and taking action towards goals.

But it is also a period for reflection and taking stock of what is around you, and to celebrate achievements.


The waxing gibbous phase sees more than half the moon’s surface illuminated, and growing larger. This is a lunar phase that presents the opportunity to fine-tune plans and make necessary adjustments to make your goals a reality.

It also provides a good opportunity to take stock of what has already been achieved, and to recognise the progress that has been made. While stamina may weaken, use the lunar energy to stay focused on goals.


A sight that has us in awe no matter how many times we see it, the full moon is considered the most powerful of all the moon phases. It is the time to celebrate achievements, acknowledge hurdles you have overcome, and for reaping the rewards of hard work.

This period of the lunar cycle is also used for release rituals, and letting go of things that no longer serve us.


We now enter the second half of the lunar cycle, where the moon starts to darkens on the right side.

This holds spiritual significance as a phase of release, reflection, and gratitude. It is a good time to express gratitude for blessings and reflect on your journey so far, and to share the knowledge and experience gained for the benefit of others.


This phase, also known as the third or last quarter moon, sees another half-moon. As we near the end of the lunar cycle, it prompts you to let go of past grievances and outdated beliefs. The last quarter symbolises release and forgiveness. It is about physical and emotional cleansing, where we rid ourselves of negativity and old habits and obstacles that hold you back.


As the lunar cycle nears its completion, less than half of the moon’s surface is visible, and it appears in the sky as a letter ‘C’, and gradually receding. With the sacred cycle near its end, this is a time to rest and recuperate, and focus on self-care and recharging the batteries. It is also a period of surrender; letting go of things that no longer serve us, and readying yourself for the moon’s new cycle.

Along with ritual surrounding the moon’s cycle, there are also general lunar rituals, including moon bathing (spending time in the moonlight to absorb its healing energy), crystal charging (using the light from a the moon to cleanse and recharge crystals) and alter work (a moon altar is a space dedicated to the moon where you can meditate, set intentions, and work with lunar energy in your everyday practice).

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